Don's Blog

“But I Win One Occasionally”

Is this situation familiar? Your customer won’t engage in a collaborative peer-to-peer relationship; maybe they block you from gaining access to key decision influencers on your deals; or they refuse to accept you guidance during the sales process; any effort to provide value is dismissed; they force you to submit blind bids to their predetermined specifications, along with several competitors; they have total control. So it usually comes down to a price decision. And your win rate with this customer is dismal.

Yet you persist in bidding every time they ask. Why? Because occasionally you win one.

But what about the opportunity cost? What if you stopped chasing them and spent more time on customers and prospects who value your experience and insights; on deals where you can really make a difference? Might you develop lasting relationships of value where you’re treated like a peer? Would you get more add-on business and referrals? Might your results improve?

Our time is a finite resource. Every minute we spend that doesn’t yield a positive outcome is “waste”. We can’t be perfect, but why not spend more time where we have a better chance?

Food for thought.